Before a Council refund can be applied for, the new owner must have already paid the deposit on their new account, signed a contract with the council for the supply of water and electricity and be receiving their own new account in their own name. It is only at this point that the previous owner’s accounts can be closed.
In addition your old account needs to be adjusted back to reflect the balance on date of transfer. Once these steps have taken place a Rates Refund can be applied for. Rates Online can assist the new owner with opening his new municipal account as well as the previous owner with the closing and adjusting of their account and then the application for the final Rates Refund.
Because the Council Rates Refund can only be applied for on an account which has been closed and adjusted it is therefore necessary to have a council refund investigation on your account before attending to the actual Rates Refund. Once the Refund investigation has been concluded a full report is presented identifying any Billing Issues / Overcharges and the Current status of the Council Account and potential Rates Refund.
If it is found that an account requires adjusting a full report explaining the problems found will be issued which also offers a solution going forward. Rates Online will look for irregularities that might prevent or delay a Rates Refund from being issued and paid out.
Our consultants will assist you with fulfilling the requirements needed to receive a refund as soon as possible. Request your Refund Investigation now and find out what the status of your account is.